Friday, May 29, 2009

S-Chip Bill,Socialism and the New USSR

By now everyone knows what the S-Chip tobacco tax is I'm sure. For the still somehow uninformed the s-chip is a huge tax on tobacco that is supposed to fund medical insurance for underprivileged children. If you are a cigar smoker you know just how huge this tax is. Health insurance for children. Hmmm, what a wonderful ideal. Do you really think our government will be spending their newly earned billions of dollars on health insurance? I don't. This is simply another step toward socialism which America is fast being dragged into. This just makes that many more americans dependent on the government. Remember when GM meant General Motors? Well now you can call it Government Motors as the US Government now owns a controlling interest due to the bail outs. Chrysler is next as they face government forced bankruptcy right now. Two major auto manufacturers and too many banks to mention are already controlled by the government. Is your small business next?
Now back to this tobacco tax. I have the government telling me if I want to smoke a good cigar then I better get a second job. Yet where is this huge tax on alcohol that our congressman and senators like to imbibe in. Can you imagine them passing a bill that would reach into their pockets. Of course with their overpaid salaries it wouldn't bother them as much as it does the rest of us. And what about marijuana? Why not legalize it and put a huge tax on it. If you aren't going to prevent it's sale why not make some money on it. I mean there's an industry just begging to be government owned. Well God Bless the USA or is it the USSR(United States of Socialist Republic)

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